In season: a guide to heritage tomatoes.

In season: a guide to heritage tomatoes.

We grow over forty varieties of heritage tomatoes in the polytunnels on our organic farm.

When they are ready for harvesting (usually in June/July), our market garden team harvests each one carefully by hand, before jumbling them up to go into our colourful mixed heritage tomato punnets.

Here are a few of our favourite varieties – see if you can spot them in your punnets.


Sweet, golden orange cherry tomatoes that add beautiful colour to dishes.


A really popular variety of cherry tomato – bright red and deliciously sweet. This is perfect for a traditional Greek salad with our greek-style cheese, kalamata olives and fresh mint leaves, or a classic English salad with lettuce, cucumber and salad cream.


This unusual dark cherry tomato has a rich, smoky-sweet flavour. Delicious with barbecued chicken or our Aberdeen Angus beefburgers, and a splash of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil.


Large, purple plum tomato with a rich flavour. Their low acidity makes them perfect for cooking, or chop up to make a rustic bruschetta with slices of toasted sourdough rubbed with garlic and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil.


This large old-fashioned variety is sweet and fragrant, with a meaty texture.

Delicious with mozzarella and fresh basil leaves.


This large, red tomato has beautiful yellow stripes that develop as it matures on the vine and a delicious well-balanced flavour.

Perfect simply chopped and stirred through steaming hot, al dente pasta with torn burrata, chopped fresh herbs and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for a quick, easy and fresh supper.